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几个月之后我又一次做音乐分享了 =w= 这一次分享的是国内唱见 YUKIri 新发的翻唱“PayPhone”。话说真没猜到 YUKIri 会唱英文歌呢,不过 YUKIri 声线还是一如既往的好听 www

我又来分享音乐啦!YUKIri 的新翻唱:PayPhone




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I’m at a payphone trying to call home 我电话亭里尝试给家打电话

All of my change I spent on you 给你我花去了所有的零钱

Where have the times gone 时间流逝

Baby it’s all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? 宝贝 全错了 我们的二人世界的计划哪去了?

Yeah, I, I know it’s hard to remember 是的 我,我知道这很难记起

The people we used to be 我们原先的样子

It’s even harder to picture 更难的是想象

That you’re not here next to me 你不在我身旁

You say it’s too late to make it 你说太迟了

But is it too late to try? 但是真的太迟去试一下吗?

And in our time that you wasted 你耗费在我们一起的时间

All of our bridges burned down 我们没有回头路可走

I’ve wasted my nights 我度过的夜晚

You turned out the lights 你照亮了它

Now I’m paralyzed 现在我麻木了

Still stuck in that time when we called it love 还停留在我们称知于爱的时光

But even the sun sets in paradise 即使阳光撒在天堂

I’m at a payphone trying to call home 我电话亭里尝试给家打电话

All of my change I spent on you 给你我花去了所有的零钱

Where have the times gone 时间流逝

Baby it’s all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? 宝贝 全错了 我们的二人世界的计划哪去了?

If happy ever after did exist 如果快乐确实存在

I would still be holding you like this 我还是会像这样和你相拥

All those fairytales are full of shit 那些童话故事是骗人的

One more stupid love song I’ll be sick 再来一首白痴爱情歌曲我会厌倦

You turned your back on tomorrow 你不会给明天机会

Cause you forgot yesterday 因为你忘记了昨天

I gave you my love to borrow 我让你借给我的爱

But just gave it away 但是你却把它丢出来

You can’t expect me to be fine 你不能期待我会没事

I don’t expect you to care 我不期待你会介意

I know I’ve said it before 我知道我已经说过

But all of our bridges burned down 但是我们已经没有回头路可走

I’ve wasted my nights 我度过的夜晚

You turned out the lights 你照亮了它

Now I’m paralyzed 现在我麻木了

Still stuck in that time when we called it love 还停留在我们称知于爱的时光

But even the sun sets in paradise 即使阳光撒在天堂

I’m at a payphone trying to call home 我电话亭里尝试给家打电话

All of my change I spent on you 给你我花去了所有的零钱

Where have the times gone 时间流逝

Baby it’s all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? 宝贝 全错了 我们的二人世界的计划哪去了?

If happy ever after did exist 如果快乐确实存在

I would still be holding you like this 我还是会像这样和你相拥

All those fairytales are full of shit 那些童话故事是骗人的

One more stupid love song I’ll be sick 再来一首白痴爱情歌曲我会厌倦

Now I’m at a payphone… 现在我在电话亭里

歌曲 Mp3 下载地址: 点我下载

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 酥耳狸 于2014-12-15发表,共计1817字。
2014-12-30 11:23:21 回复


   Duoshuo  中国广东省江门市联通